Monday, November 26, 2012

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back! We hope everyone enjoyed the days off. It is hard to believe that there are only 19 school days remaining until the holiday break. We are excited that Bill Harley will be joining us this week. Tomorrow (Tuesday), he will be with Grade 2 and Wednesday with Grade 4. On Thursday, he will be conducting the family night.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to our students, parents and staff. Everyone enjoy the days off and time with your families.

Student recognition committee

Thank you to our newly formed committee that met after school today and has begun the process of looking at recognition programs in our school. We have two students (Mandy and Carissa), two parents (Mrs. Swindle and Mrs. Shogam), three teachers (Mrs. Germano, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Kuketz), Mrs. Valenti and Mr. Cateon. The ideas were flowing and it is very exciting. Stay tuned for updates as we will conduct a few more meetings that will decide how we move forward.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Kickball with Mrs. Donegan's class

Grade 3 Plimoth Plantation

Our second group of Third Graders will be at Plimoth Plantation today. Students from Mrs. Magnett's, Mrs. Cornell's and Ms. Nieuwenhuis' classes will represent MKG today. Enjoy your time, ask questions and learn as much as you can!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Box Tops Kickball Game

Mrs. Valenti, Mrs. Donegan and Mr. Cateon had a fun time on Wednesday, November 13th playing kickball with our Grade 1 students in Mrs. Donegan's class. The students were awesome. They praised one another, learned about the game but most of all had a blast!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Picture Make-ups

We hope everyone had a nice weekend. The weather certainly cooperated. It is about to change with colder temperatures on the way. Just a reminder, Picture make-ups are on Wednesday, November 14th.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Grade 3 Plimoth Plantation Rescheduled 11/8/2012

In the interest of safety and due to the forecast for tomorrow, Thursday, November 8, 2012 we have decided to reschedule the field trip for the following Grade Three classrooms: Ms. Nieuwenhuis Mrs. Cornell Mrs. Magnett The new date will be Monday, November 19th. A notice has gone home along with a new permission slip. Thank you for your consideration.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Tomorrow Tuesday folders will come home because we didn't have school today. Mrs. Valenti has posted information about Read to Succeed on her website...check it out: The NCLB report card will be coming home. We will post the information on our website by the end of the week. You will find information about picture make ups that will take place November 14th. Finally, a letter about collecting hats and mittens for the needy through Christmas Wishes.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Google Calendar

New Blog

Welcome. Due to technical difficulties with my other blog, I have decided to start over using a different provider. I am requesting that you subscribe to my new blog and it will allow for you to receive updates as they occur.