Thursday, March 7, 2013

Message from Mr. Geoghegan, Principal of the John T. Nichols, Jr. Middle School

Message from Mr. Geoghegan, Principal of the John T. Nichols, Jr. Middle School

Dear Fifth Grade Parents:

The fifth grade orientation was originally scheduled for Wednesday, March 13; however, we
are postponing this event until later in the school year.

At this point, the Nichols Middle School is in the midst of some changes in its bell
schedule, and it would not be prudent to have the orientation before we have decided on
what the schedule will officially look like next year for your son or daughter.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Again, we will be rescheduling this important event for you later in the school year.

Thank you,

Martin R. Geoghegan
Nichols Middle School
112 Tiger Drive
Middleborough, MA 02346
(508) 946-2020 Ext. 101

"The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago.  The second best time is